Postcollapse Art
Edited by Vuslat D. Katsanis

The Articles

Postcollapse Art / In Other Easts: MinEastry of Postcollapse Art and Culture and 1989 / Vuslat D. Katsanis
By Vuslat D. Katsanis

Postcollapse Art / Urban Explorations: Sportshall “Festival-68” / Mariya Tsaneva
By Mariya Tsaneva

Postcollapse Art / How I Arrived Here: An Artist’s Essay, Or A Long-winded Artist’s Statement, Or Possibly Both / Ilknur Demirkoparan
By Ilknur Demirkoparan

Postcollapse Art / Affective Assemblages: Facial Recognition and the Search for Love / Stefka Hristova
By Stefka Hristova