Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present
Edited by Kyle C. Frisina, Maryam Ivette Parhizkar & Adena Rivera-Dundas

The Articles

Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present / Introduction / Kyle C. Frisina, Maryam Ivette Parhizkar, and Adena Rivera-Dundas
By Kyle C. Frisina, Maryam Ivette Parhizkar & Adena Rivera-Dundas

Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present / Notes on Blackness and Publicness / Tiffany E. Barber
By Tiffany E. Barber

Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present / On Invitation: The Collaborative Promise of Feedback at Carolina Performing Arts / Meli Kimathi and Amrut Mishra
By Meli Kimathi & Amrut Mishra

Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present / Education as a Public Good / Amy J. Elias
By Amy J. Elias

Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present / All Power to the Public Humanities! / Conor Tomás Reed
By Conor Tomás Reed

Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present / Playing at Theory: Digital Zines and the Public Humanities / Jhani Randhawa and Teo Rivera-Dundas
By Jhani Randhawa & Teo Rivera-Dundas

Public Humanities and the Arts of the Present / Credit and Credibility: On Writing and Editing Public Scholarship / Annie Berke
By Annie Berke