Transmedial Autotheories
Edited by Alex Brostoff & Lauren Fournier
The Articles
Transmedial Autotheories / Sick Theories: Performance Approaches Toward Understanding Trauma / lo bil
By Lo Bil
Transmedial Autotheories / Communicating Vessels / Maider Fortune & Annie Macdonell
By Maïder Fortuné and Annie MacDonell
Transmedial Autotheories / mestizXXX: an autotheory / Migueltzinta C. Solís
By Migueltzinta Solís
Transmedial Autotheories / leaving school sucks / Calla Durose-Moya
By Calla Moya
Transmedial Autotheories / Healing at Home: On Self-Making and Black Girl Interiors / Ree Botts
By reelaviolette botts-ward
Transmedial Autotheories / Orientalien / Ceylan Öztrük
By Ceylan Öztrük
Transmedial Autotheories / Mel Keiser’s Melga Blank Lecture / Mel Keiser
By Mel Keiser
Transmedial Autotheories / Talmud Batman: Interview with the Parergon / Simon Evnine
By Simon Evnine
Transmedial Autotheories / ME(MES) / Piper Curtis / @rude_oil_pipeline
By Piper Curtis
Transmedial Autotheories / Love Ballads by Rolls Rice (Burning Deleuze) / Arezu Salamzadeh
By Arezu Salamzadeh
Transmedial Autotheories / Working Baby Dyke Theory / Thirza Cuthand
By Thirza Jean Cuthand
Transmedial Autotheories / Passage / Kris Pint, Nadia Sels, and Maria Gil Ulldemolins
By Kris Print, Nadia Sels & Maria Gil Ulldemolins