Topic: performance art

The Art of Walking / Step Into the Fray: Navigating Mixed Realities at the Intersection of Walking, Video Games, Art, and Activism
By Joseph DeLappe

Beyond Escape: Empowerment and the Reclamation of History in Torsos in Rain
By shuang cai

Five on MIKE / Fabien Maltais-Bayda, Clara Nizard, Tina Post, Asya Sagnak, and Michael Stablein Jr.
By Fabien Maltais-Bayda, Clara Nizard, Tina Post, Asya Sagnak & Michael Stablein Jr.

Sara Blaylock, Parallel Public: Experimental Art in Late East Germany / Kimber Chewning
By Kimber Chewning

Kenyatta A.C. Hinkle: The Evanesced: Embodied Disappearance / Misha Choudhry
By Misha Choudhry